
Special version of Amirada for ETIM classification

Thursday, 6 June 2013

ETIM classification has never been so simple. Without investing significant resources in other solutions, take advantage of the benefits of the Amirada PIM product database and the efficiency of Excel.

With the rapidly growing popularity of ETIM classification in the Polish market, we have partnered with Amirada to meet the expectations of the electrical engineering industry. A special offer has been prepared for companies looking to implement the ETIM 5.0 standard quickly and cost-effectively. By combining the benefits of the PIM product database and the efficiency of Excel, the project timeline has been reduced from several months to just a few weeks.

Key features:

  • Utilization of Excel for bulk editing of ETIM data and other information contained in the database
  • Engagement of necessary human resources only to ensure the accuracy and up-to-date status of product data within the PIM system database
  • Data export to BMEcat2005 or CSV format

Go to the Amirada website